clean, blue and green oceans

We distribute a complete solution to circle and capture oil pollution on sea and land

Oils and Hydrocarbons are major pollutants of the sea and ocean.

Inspiring from the Wakashio Oil Spill in Mauritius with the various damages caused to natural marine life and to local economy, Positive Composites has opened a business unit dedicated to capture any type of hydrocarbon pollutants on the sea and ocean caused by unfortunate accidents of ships, vessels and oil platforms.

We have developed our complete solution composed of geotextiles and powders to help capture oil pollution on the sea to keep our sea and ocean clean, blue and green.

Composites for oil pollution capture on sea and land
  • One complete solution to circle and capture the floating hydro carburants and oils
  • Our solution has oleophilic and hydrophobic properties that is a great affinity to oil but none to water.
  • Our solution can also be used for oil spills on land and on floorings

Advantages of our oil capture solutions

Approved by Cedre

+ Expert French Agency in water pollution

Easy to use

+ Manual spreading of the powder


+ Produced from waste & offcuts

Oleophilic & Hydrophobic

+ Selective capture of oil than water

High Absorption Power

+ 1 kg powder can absorb 19 kg fuel


+ No danger to fauna and flora

Easy Collection

+ Oil absorbed powder keeps floating

Anywhere and Anyplace where there is oil and fuel pollution

Oil capture composites

Technical information

  • High absorption capacity : Absorbs 60% to 95% of its volume
  • A bag of 350 litres of powder adsorbs 250 to 350 litres of petrol
  • Homogeneous granulometry of powder
  • The polluted powder is easily eliminated by incineration respecting decree 202-540 of 18th April 2002 following classification of waste
  • Supplied in different forms and packaging : granules, powder, bags, pockets, cushion, flanges, floating barriers