Geotextiles and Geogrids

Geotextiles and Geogrids

Advanced textiles with a step above all

With the increasing constraints in public works and infrastructure and the need to construct in all kinds of environment (underwater, land, slopes, maritime, mud…), products like concrete, rocks, metallic supports have become obsolete and have proven their limits and fatigue.

Our advanced Geotextiles and Geogrids are the innovative solutions to all the existing problems in infrastructure, underwater protection,  reinforcement and prevention of many damages.

We have succeeded in weaving innovative, high elasticity modulus composite fibres together, under a high technological process, to come out with very high performance products.

All our products and solutions are simple to use and applicable by hand leading to the creation of employment.

  • Extreme ease and speed of installation even under water
  • Economic solution when compared to traditional formwork like concrete
  • Conforms and Adapts to on-site irregularities and deformations
  • Simplify complex applications like under water protection of docks, seaports, pipelines, tubings and underwater concreting 
  • Exist as mattresses with zippers for easy opening and filling with concrete
  • Customisable in different forms like piles, columns, bags, mattresses 
  • Follow of projects and Free simulation under RESSA 3.0 & GeoCoPS 3.0

Advantages of our geotextiles and geogrids


+ Stubborn to chemicals & weathering

Underwater Protection

+ Perfect for under water complexities

Avant-Garde Protection

+ Just uncomparable to standard solutions

Simple & Easy

+ Lay the Geotextile, open zipper, fill with concrete and THE JOB IS DONE

Big savings

+ Gain in time & labour
+ Long lasting


+ On-site visit
+ Free simulation & modelisation


+ Personalised solution
+ Exists as bags, tubes, mattresses

Dehydration and Filtration of water

Building of reservoirs and canals

Coastal protection & Erosion control

Protection of maritime ports and docks

Protection of pipelines and submarine cables

Reinforcement of bridge pillars and columns

Reinforcement of soil : muddy and soft soil

Reinforcement and Stabilisation of slopes


Technical information

  • Resistance to traction from 50 kN/m to 1600kN/m
  • Geogrids : High modulus elasticity : above 70 kMPa which is 14 times superior than 5 cm Bitumen
  • Geogrids : high mechanical resistance = 200 kN/m
  • Standard widths = 3.75 m and 5.30 m
  • Standard length = 100 m
  • Standard thickness = 7 cm to 33 cm