Kits & Sandwich Panels

Kits & Sandwich Panels

 We offer precised cut-to-shape kit core materials and sandwich panels that are customised to meet different needs, all done with the latest cutting technologies and under Lean manufacturing techniques.

All kits and sandwich panels can be done with different combination of different core materials with customised skin options : Fiberglass, Aluminum, Carbon Fiber, Wood Laminates and Personalised Requirements.

Advantages of our Kits & Sandwich Panels

Stress & Waste free

+ No on-site cutting and waste

Support & Fair deal

+ On site visit & support at all project levels

Quick Response & Actions

+ No corporatism

Finishing options

+ Efficiency for any process

Cost reduction

+ Gain in time, labour and material

Customised solution

+ Available in any shapes & cuts

Light Weight

+ For all applications and industries

Construction and Building

Facades, Panels, Doors


Nacelles, Spinners and Any structures


Hulls and Any structures


Panels and Interiors and Any structures


Hardtops, Panels, Deflectors & Any kind of structures

Sandwich panels

Technical information

  • Design flexibility
  • High mechanical strength 
  • Lean manufacturing techniques 
  • High precision & Optimisation of each design
  • Combination of multiple materials to create one unique material